How Can You Best Prepare For Your First Teacher Observation?

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A Summer of Learning

Are you a school teacher? Perhaps, the start of each summer is bittersweet to you. You may enjoy the downtime for a while. However, you might become bored after staying home for a few weeks. If you can relate to this scenario, consider enrolling in a continuing education class this summer. If you’re a parent, you might even wish to sign up for a fun class with your kids. For instance, you may absolutely adore taking a pottery, cake designing, spinning, step aerobics, or basket weaving course. On this blog, I hope you will discover the amazing benefits of taking exciting, continuing education classes during the summer months. Enjoy!


How Can You Best Prepare For Your First Teacher Observation?

29 May 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If you're in your first or second year of teaching and have been notified of an upcoming teacher observation by your principal or school administrator, you may be dealing with some major nerves. The success of your first teacher observation can dictate your future at your current school or even impact upcoming class assignments. However, as long as it's evident you enjoy teaching and are having fun with your students, your skills should shine through. Read on for some tips and tricks when it comes to achieving a high rating during your first teacher observation.

Be prepared

Even if you get along well with the observing administrator, having another adult in the room can be enough to throw anyone off their game. As a result, it's important to be especially well-prepared for your lessons during the week you're expecting your observation. Even if you have your observation scheduled for a specific day and period, it may be rescheduled with little to no notice, so being equally well-equipped every day that week can help you maintain confidence throughout the process.

Ask others what to expect

If it's your first or second year in a new school, you may not feel as though you have enough background to know what to expect from the process. Asking other teachers you trust and respect about their experiences and recommendations will give you a better idea of what you'll need to do and show to get the highest rating possible.

Keep your students engaged

Administrators are experts at sussing out the students who aren't paying attention, and if you're standing with your back to the classroom for much of the presentation, your administrator may be less than impressed at your engagement of the classroom. Taking care to walk around periodically, make eye contact with all parts of the room, and encourage student participation in the lesson can go a long way toward ensuring your administrator observes the learning taking place.


Above all, your administrator wants to see that you and your students have the connection that allows learning to happen -- and this is often demonstrated in your ability to make learning fun. By relaxing, engaging your students, and adding a bit of humor to your lesson to break the ice, you'll be able to show your administrator that you're adjusting to teaching life well and the students assigned to your classroom each school year are in good hands.