Benefits Of Adult Education For Seniors

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A Summer of Learning

Are you a school teacher? Perhaps, the start of each summer is bittersweet to you. You may enjoy the downtime for a while. However, you might become bored after staying home for a few weeks. If you can relate to this scenario, consider enrolling in a continuing education class this summer. If you’re a parent, you might even wish to sign up for a fun class with your kids. For instance, you may absolutely adore taking a pottery, cake designing, spinning, step aerobics, or basket weaving course. On this blog, I hope you will discover the amazing benefits of taking exciting, continuing education classes during the summer months. Enjoy!


Benefits Of Adult Education For Seniors

12 June 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Recent studies show that senior citizens who keep both their bodies and their brains active suffer less from dementia and Alzheimer's. Those that already have some form of dementia or level of Alzheimer's can slow the progression of these diseases and disorders by getting the body moving and the brain active. For that reason, new adult education centers are focusing on classes that help seniors stay active and actively thinking. Here is a sample of the classes commonly offered to seniors for this very purpose.

Ballroom Dance

Seniors who are still able to walk are invited to participate in ballroom dance classes. Regardless of which type of ballroom class you take, they keep the body moving, which is the whole point. It also helps seniors actively engage in socialization, which reduces depression.

Painting and Drawing Classes

For anyone who has ever wanted to learn how to draw or paint, there is no time like your senior years to do just that. All of the vivid colors and strokes used to recreate what you see in front of you or create something from your own imagination stimulates parts of your brain that are going dormant from lack of use. Learning to draw and/or paint reawakens your brain and the cells in these areas of your brain so that it does not deteriorate. Painting and drawing also helps you keep fine motor control in your fingers, hands and wrists, and reduces some of the pain from arthritis.

Learning Computers

Senior citizens now have seen some of the most incredible advancements in technology and industry than any other age group in history. Unfortunately, it leaves seniors stuck in the past if there is no one to teach them how to use a computer, email, and other features that would make computers invaluable to them. Simple and basic courses in computers and some functions that seniors may find useful for staying in touch with others or communicating long-distance with doctors are taught in the courses offered.

Knitting, Crocheting, and Quilting

Knitting circles, quilting bees, and crocheting klatches have become very popular, even with younger age groups. These classes not only teach you new skills with these old-time pastimes, but they provide a wealth of socialization that you might not get just sitting your room at home. If you already knit, crochet, or quilt, you can bring your projects with to work on or learn new stitches and patterns to use in your projects.

For more information on senior education, visit sites like