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A Summer of Learning

Are you a school teacher? Perhaps, the start of each summer is bittersweet to you. You may enjoy the downtime for a while. However, you might become bored after staying home for a few weeks. If you can relate to this scenario, consider enrolling in a continuing education class this summer. If you’re a parent, you might even wish to sign up for a fun class with your kids. For instance, you may absolutely adore taking a pottery, cake designing, spinning, step aerobics, or basket weaving course. On this blog, I hope you will discover the amazing benefits of taking exciting, continuing education classes during the summer months. Enjoy!


How Crosswords Help Students

20 October 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Teachers are always looking for fun and interesting ways to educate the kids in their class. Children are often found in front of their electronics, but puzzles are a great way to engage their minds. Word searches, logic problems, and crosswords all help children improve their reading. However, there are several other important ways they challenge a child's mind. Improve Spelling Crosswords use clues to help a child improve their spelling of words. Read More …

Is It Worth Sending Your Child To Preschool When You Work From Home? 4 Benefits Of Childcare Services For Your Family

10 July 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

The shift to working from home involves making a series of decisions about how you can set up your lifestyle for success. Right now, one of your biggest decisions to make is whether or not it is worth continuing to send your child to daycare. While it may be tempting to keep your child at home, there are many benefits of going to a preschool that are worth exploring. Manage Your Work Tasks Without Distractions Read More …

Does Your Teen Have An Interest In Trade Certification Programs? What To Do To Nurture It

25 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a child that is interested in going to a trade school part-time while they are still in high school, but you aren't sure what they should go into, an electrician certification is a great choice. There are many reasons why this is a top choice among students, and there is such a high demand in the field. Here are some of the reasons why you should encourage this and why this is a great field. Read More …

Beyond Apprenticeships: The Advantages Of Formal HVAC Schooling

30 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to become an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician, you will most likely need to attain a degree specializing in HVAC. You can gain hands on training skills as an HVAC technician by participating in an apprenticeship. As many applicants will tell you, HVAC apprenticeships are very competitive. Hundreds of applicants compete for only a few positions. Many individuals who are interested in the field, but who are not pursuing a formal education, are missing opportunities at being promoted from assistant to technician. Read More …

Top Reasons To Enroll Your Child In School Sports

17 March 2018
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If your child's school is like many, then he or she has the option to enroll in a sports program at his or her school. These are a few reasons why it can be a good idea for you to enroll your child in one of these sports programs. Encourage Your Child to Get More Physical Activity First of all, it is never a bad idea to encourage your child to get in more physical activity each day. Read More …