A Summer of Learning

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A Summer of Learning

Are you a school teacher? Perhaps, the start of each summer is bittersweet to you. You may enjoy the downtime for a while. However, you might become bored after staying home for a few weeks. If you can relate to this scenario, consider enrolling in a continuing education class this summer. If you’re a parent, you might even wish to sign up for a fun class with your kids. For instance, you may absolutely adore taking a pottery, cake designing, spinning, step aerobics, or basket weaving course. On this blog, I hope you will discover the amazing benefits of taking exciting, continuing education classes during the summer months. Enjoy!


5 Strategies to Strengthen Your Memory

22 November 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Keeping your brain active will help prevent memory loss. By dong some preventative brain strengthening tasks, you can help improve your memory and prevent memory loss later down the road. Some of these tasks can be done at home or be added to your daily routine. See below for a list of the things you can do to strengthen your memory. Change Your Grocery Store If you shop at the same grocery store all the time, try a new one to help you think of where to find things. Read More …

Important Tips For Finding The Best Preschool For Your Child

17 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Preschool is very important for your child, as it helpsthem prepare for their upcoming academic years. It also helps them to learn new socialization skills that they might not have been able to learn before, especially if they have never been around a large group of kids for an extended amount of time without a parent nearby. Since there is so much to learn, it is important to make sure that you are finding the best possible preschool. Read More …

How To Educate Your Brilliant Teenager

9 August 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Do you remember exactly when you realized that your child was exceptionally smart? Perhaps he or she would browse the encyclopedia at a very young age, knowing that the D encyclopedia meant that he or she could look at pictures of dinosaurs. And then you probably realized that the little child was actually reading instead of just looking at the pictures. If you are wondering how to educate your brilliant teenager, from things you can do at home to finding specialty schools, here are some ideas: Read More …

Positive Parenting: 3 Strategies For Agreeing On A Child Care Program With Your Ex-Partner

19 July 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Now that you are separated, you know that you and your ex-partner face many challenges when it comes to raising your child. Yet, you never expected that agreeing on a child care program would be so hard. After all, you both want the best for your child. As you search programs in your area, use these tips to find a compromise that leads to a nurturing place for your child to stay while you are away for the day. Read More …

3 Tips for Finding the Right Summer Program for Your Child

21 June 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Articles

Summer programs provide kids with fun learning opportunities that help them continue to develop during the summer break. If you have an elementary-age child, there may be several summer programs for kids in your area that they could attend. Here are some tips to help you find the one that's most suited for your child. Tailoring to Your Child's Interests Summer is a time when children are free to explore whatever interests them. Read More …